This website is provided to satisfy the virtual patent marking provisions of various jurisdictions including the patent marking provisions of Title 35 of the United States Code section 287 (35 U.S.C. § 287). The products listed in the list below are protected by United States patents. The names of the listed products include the verbatim name listed below and/or clear variations thereof. If you cannot locate any sold or licensed product name, please contact the seller or licensor to determine if the product was sold or licensed under an alternative name. Each row associated with a product in the list associates the product with one or more United States patents. The list may not be an exclusive listing of patents associated with each product. Also, the list may not be an exclusive listing of products associated with each patent. Please check back periodically for updates to the list.
S.No | Product | Patent |
1 | Adaptive Mobility Platform | 7331035, 7313782 |
2 | ADCONNECT+ | 12192549, 11678000, 11159836, 10764619, 7260782, 9456228, 9451294, 9420349, 9215503, 9161074, 8972468, 8682945, 8671124, 8667460, 8566688, 8307020, 8229984, 8176425, 7788634, 7460037, 7430718, 7231630 |
3 | ADCONNECT+ | 12147421, 12033093, 11811723, 11775686, 11741264, 11615079, 11455301, 11132464, 11132463, 11244074, 11182263, 11374885, 11410093, 11463402, 11036723, 10944835, 10558534, 9734024, 8554843, 7623848, 7600146, 7426652, 10331908, 9965508, 9292505, 8949457, 8566402, 8301800, 8191078, 8145597, 7934152, 7743250, 7415469, 7406537, 7330889, 7103838, 7080073, 7039671, 6915294, 10623348, 10496702, 9817917, 9519462, 9313153 |
4 | Artemis 7 | 12182747, 12147421, 12020271, 11687859, 11615079, 11475469, 11455301, 11403654, 11138541, 11036723, 10643227, 10546311, 9965508, 9292505, 8977613, 8832580, 8805840, 8566277, 8463789, 8290897, 8145597, 7934152, 7716228, 7415469, 7330889, 7103838, 7080073, 6915294, 10552780, 10496702, 9875453, 9817917, 9519462, 9152387 |
5 | Artemis Views | 12182747, 12147421, 12020271, 11687859, 11615079, 11475469, 11455301, 11403654, 11374885, 11138541, 11036723, 10643227, 10546311, 9965508, 9292505, 8977613, 8832580, 8805840, 8566402, 8566277, 8516054, 8463790, 8463789, 8301800, 8290897, 8145597, 7934152, 7415469, 7330889, 7103838, 7080073, 6915294, 10623348, 10552780, 10496702, 9875453, 9817917, 9519462, 9313153, 9152387 |
6 | Auditor Pro | 9959115, 6981207 |
7 | Aurea Messaging Solutions | 12002570, 11538571, 11901049, 11538571, 11373738, 8861523, 10540731, 10169533, 8131562, 7836081, 7801382, 7653252, 7630371, 10679741, 10102599 |
8 | Aurea Messenger | 12147421, 11775686, 11741264, 11615079, 11064511, 11455301, 11132464, 11132463, 11244074, 11374885, 11138541, 11036723, 10349430, 10331908, 10606831, 9965508, 9292505, 8977613, 8782042, 8566402, 8145597, 7934152, 7743250, 7415469, 7330889, 7103838, 7080073, 6915294, 10623348, 10552780, 10496702, 9875453, 9817917, 9552563, 9519462, 9313153 |
9 | Aurea Monitor | 12147421, 11615079, 11455301, 11374885, 11036723, 9965508, 9292505, 8977613, 8145597, 7992133, 7934152, 7415469, 7330889, 7103838, 7080073, 6915294, 10623348, 10496702, 9817917, 9519462, 9313153 |
10 | Aurea Process | 12182747, 12147421, 12033093, 11811723, 11687859, 11615079, 11455301, 11374885, 11138541, 11410093, 11463402, 11036723, 10944835, 10606831, 9965508, 9292505, 8977613, 8949457, 8832580, 8782042, 8566402, 8566277, 8290897, 8191078, 8145597, 7934152, 7743250, 7415469, 7406537, 7330889, 7103838, 6915294, 10623348, 10552780, 10496702, 9875453, 9817917, 9552563, 9519462, 9313153, 915238712147421, |
11 | Automotive Configuration Manager | 11836675,11822688, 11741006, 11714818, 11372996, 11182398, 11232400, 11270364, 11361363, 10873841, 5825651, 6405308, 6836766, 10592852, 9020880, 8805825, 8590011, 7953779, 7739080, 7720720, 7567922, 7433879, 7343584, 7337179, 7200582, 7188335, 7003360, 6675294, 8688536, 10664895, 9858121, 9767506, 9639803, 9418084, 9342628, 8447784, 8370408, 7464064, 10488844, 9390009, 8364628, 7987149, 10650006, 6678695, 10360612 |
12 | Automotive Configuration Reporting | 11741006, 10873841, 9959115, 6981207, 9390009, 8364628, 7987149 |
13 | Automotive Configuration Services | 11714818, 11182398, 8805825 |
14 | Automotive Demand Intelligence (ADI) - Core Web Services | 11593301, 10867306, 10986157, 10885533, 8683016, 8160914, 7779021, 7415517, 7359935, 7092844, 10534752, 10237326, 9720918, 9390190, 8589428 |
15 | Automotive Demand Intelligence (ADI) - Demand Analyzer Web Application | 11593301, 10867306, 10986157, 10885533, 8683016, 8160914, 7779021, 7415517, 7359935, 7092844, 10534752, 10237326, 9720918, 9390190, 8589428 |
16 | Automotive Demand Intelligence (ADI) - Demand Analyzer Web Test Files | 11593301, 10867306, 10986157, 10885533, 8683016, 8160914, 7779021, 7415517, 7359935, 7092844, 10534752, 10237326, 9720918, 9390190, 8589428 |
17 | Automotive Demand Intelligence (ADI) - Retail Hooks API | 11593301, 10867306, 10986157, 10885533, 8683016, 8160914, 7779021, 7415517, 7359935, 7092844, 10534752, 10237326, 9720918, 9390190, 8589428 |
18 | Automotive Demand Intelligence (ADI) - Retail Hooks Test Files | 11593301, 10867306, 10986157, 10885533, 8683016, 8160914, 7779021, 7415517, 7359935, 7092844, 10534752, 10237326, 9720918, 9390190, 8589428 |
19 | Automotive Demand Intelligence (ADI) Core - Inventory Importer | 11593301, 10867306, 10986157, 10885533, 8683016, 8160914, 7779021, 7415517, 7359935, 7092844, 10534752, 10237326, 9720918, 9390190, 8589428 |
20 | Automotive Demand Intelligence (ADI) Core - Parser | 11593301, 10867306, 10986157, 10885533, 8683016, 8160914, 7779021, 7415517, 7359935, 7092844, 10534752, 10237326, 9720918, 9390190, 8589428 |
21 | Automotive Demand Intelligence (ADI) Core - Report Generator | 11593301, 10867306, 10986157, 10885533, 8683016, 8160914, 7779021, 7415517, 7359935, 7092844, 10534752, 10237326, 9720918, 9390190, 8589428 |
22 | Automotive Demand Intelligence (ADI) Core - Scorer | 11593301, 10867306, 10986157, 10885533, 8683016, 8160914, 7779021, 7415517, 7359935, 7092844, 10534752, 10237326, 9720918, 9390190, 8589428 |
23 | Bonzai | 12147421, 12033093, 11811723, 11775686, 11741264, 11615079, 11455301, 11132464, 11132463, 11244074, 11374885, 11410093, 11463402, 11036723, 10944835, 10331908, 10606831, 9965508, 9292505, 8977613, 8949457, 8782042, 8566402, 8516054, 8301800, 8301720, 8191078, 8145597, 7934152, 7743250, 7415469, 7406537, 7330889, 7103838, 7080073, 6915294, 10623348, 10496702, 9817917, 9519462, 9313153 |
24 | Campaign Manager | 12147421, 12033093, 12020271, 11811723, 11615079, 11475469, 11455301, 11403654, 11374885, 11410093, 11463402, 11036723, 10944835, 7698420, 10643227, 10606831, 10546311, 9965508, 9292505, 8977613, 8949457, 8805840, 8782042, 8516054, 8463790, 8463789, 8301800, 8301720, 8145597, 7934152, 7739328, 7415469, 7330889, 7103838, 7080073, 7039671, 6915294, 10623348, 10496702, 10033671, 9817917, 9519462, 9313153 |
25 | Cellebrite Digital Collector | 12105586, 11714744, 11693731, 11126499, 10684912 |
26 | Cellebrite Physical Analyzer | 12105586,11714744, 11693731, 11126499, 10684912 |
27 | Cellebrite UFED | 12105586, 11714744, 11693731, 11126499, 10684912 |
28 | Checker For Windows And Windows NT | 7043407, 6865524, 6446057, 6002854, 5369732 |
29 | Clinical Solutions | 12147421, 11615079, 11455301, 11036723, 9965508, 9292505, 8290897, 8239820, 8145597, 7992133, 7934152, 7415469, 7103838, 7080073, 6915294, 10496702, 9817917, 9519462 |
30 | CodeFix | 12164913, 12141557, 12056487, 12032475, 12020002, 11947448, 11934298, 11835987, 11875148, 11829739, 11797298, 11714611, 11709762, 11693762, 11507354, 11494181, 11221832, 11354225, 11093240, 11340896, 11086761, 11467829, 11294643, 11074047, 11422923, 11409638, 10705809, 10782946, 10705943, 10732966, 10705837, 10990512, 10956308, 10877872, 10684849, 10678513, 10671356, 10474455, 10380004, 10365993, 10114734, 10114624, 10048945, 9753840, 9471475, 9003237 |
31 | CodeGraph™ | 12141557, 11829739, 11507354, 11221832, 11467829, 10705809, 10782946, 10705837 |
32 | CodeReview | 11704117, 10915304 |
33 | Collaborative Enterprise | 12182747, 12147421, 12033093, 12020271, 11811723, 11687859, 11615079, 11475469, 11455301, 11403654, 11374885, 11138541, 11410093, 11463402, 11036723, 10944835, 10643227, 10546311, 9965508, 9292505, 8832580, 8805840, 8566402, 8566277, 8290897, 8145597, 7934152, 7415469, 7330889, 7103838, 7080073, 6915294, 10623348, 10552780, 10496702, 9875453, 9817917, 9552563, 9519462, 9313153, 915238712033093, |
34 | Compliance Manager | 12147421, 11615079, 11455301, 11036723, 9965508, 9292505, 8566277, 8290897, 8145597, 7934152, 7415469, 7330889, 7103838, 7080073, 6915294, 10496702, 9817917, 9519462 |
35 | Computron | 7610575, 7567912 |
36 | CORETRAC CRM | 7610575, 7548881, 7337158 |
37 | CRM | 12167307, 12126694, 12061655, 11886517, 11523260, 11367295, 11265321, 11323525, 10523677, 9558199, 9535574, 9424364, 9369340, 9367530, 9274695, 9134215, 9122748, 9118645, 9111104, 9094361, 8983947 |
38 | Cross Media Newsstand | 9069731, 7600183, 7418653 |
39 | DataXtend Semantic Integrator | 8566277, 8290897, 8145597 |
40 | DevSpaces | 12164913, 12141557, 12056487, 12032475, 12020002, 11947448, 11934298, 11835987, 11875148, 11829739, 11797298, 11714611, 11709762, 11693762, 11507354, 11494181, 11221832, 11354225, 11093240, 11340896, 11086761, 11467829, 11294643, 11074047, 11422923, 11409638, 10705809, 10782946, 10705943, 10732966, 10705837, 10990512, 10956308, 10877872, 10684849, 10678513, 10671356, 10474455, 10380004, 10365993, 10114734, 10114624, 10048945, 9753840, 9471475, 9003237 |
41 | Digital Archives | 6810136 |
42 | Distribution Channel Management | 12182747, 12147421, 11775596, 11687859, 11615079, 11455301, 11341194, 11374885, 11138541, 11036723, 10489441, 9965508, 9760634, 9292505, 8832580, 8566277, 8290897, 8145597, 7934152, 7743250, 7415469, 7330889, 7103838, 7080073, 6915294, 10623348, 10552780, 10496702, 10033671, 9817917, 9519462, 9313153, 915238712147421, |
43 | Dynamic Newsstand | 9069731, 7600183, 7418653 |
44 | Dynamic Rate Control (DRCF) Traffic Management | 11729241, 11689772, 11070605, 11089376, 10582266, 10298650, 10136355, 10039028, 9871875, 9634946, 9397915, 9374404, 9345041, 9258623, 9253103, 8976655 |
45 | Email Archival | 12147421, 11615079, 11455301, 11036723, 9965508, 9292505, 8516054, 8145597, 7934152, 7415469, 7330889, 7103838, 7080073, 6915294, 10496702, 9817917, 9519462 |
46 | Email Individualization | 7761423 |
47 | EMBASSY Security Center | 12058114, 11159501, 10659439, 9319419, 7461270, 6449720 |
48 | EMBASSY Trust Suite 2.10x | 7036020, 7461270, 6449720 |
49 | EMBASSY® Remote Administration Server For TPM Management | 12058114, 11159501, 10659439, 9319419, 7461270, 6449720 |
50 | EMBASSY® Trust Suite | 12058114, 11775686, 11741264, 11159501, 11132464, 11132463, 11244074, 7426747, 7036020, 10659439, 9990516, 9977921, 9946898, 9319419, 9047489, 9043866, 9015857, 7461270, 6449720, 10607029, 10552636, 10331908 |
51 | EMBASSY® Trusted Drive Manager | 6449720 |
52 | Engine Server | 7043407, 6865524, 6446057, 6002854, 5369732 |
53 | Enterprise Resource Interoperability (ERI) Platform | 10481878 |
54 | ESP Personalization | 11361363, 10664895, 7725422 |
55 | Exinda Network Orchestrator | 11924058, 11870696, 11570107, 11533260, 11522798, 11075818, 10798003, 10798004, 10757023, 10237185, 9705753, 9565109, 10469331 |
56 | Exinda SD-WAN | 11924058, 11870696, 11570107, 11533260, 11522798, 11075818, 10798003, 10798004, 10757023, 10237185, 9705753, 9565109, 10469331 |
57 | First Rain | 12147421, 11775596, 11615079, 11455301, 11341194, 11036723, 10489441, 9965508, 9760634, 9292505, 8977613, 8566402, 8463790, 8463789, 8145597, 7934152, 7739328, 7716228, 7480799, 7415469, 7330889, 7103838, 7080073, 6915294, 10496702, 9817917, 9519462 |
58 | FogBugz | 11803787, 11740876, 11714611, 11693762, 11061648, 11074047, 10990512, 10984353, 10671356, 10564939, 10402757, 10048945, 9753840 |
60 | GOMEMBERS ONDEMAND | 7610575 |
61 | I-Supply | 7610575, 7567912, 7548881, 7337158 |
62 | Ignite Auto Trol | 7024414 |
63 | Ignite Chute | 12079817, 11848974, 11558442, 11270315, 11070602, 6970937, 9774644, 8904022, 6907578, 10659503, 10200426, 10248957, 9070135 |
64 | Ignite Corizon Solutions | 12217070, 11915018, 11755346, 11714665, 7152106, 7305622, 7725840, 11126443, 11194597, 11138023, 9864610, 10684828, 10503528, 10452359 |
65 | Ignite ETI | 6523172 |
66 | Ignite Everest | 11182703, 10621521 |
67 | Ignite FirstRain | 12079817, 12079817, 11848974, 11558442, 11270315, 11070602, 6970937, 9774644, 8904022, 6907578, 10659503, 10200426, 10248957, 9070135 |
68 | Ignite Gensym | 12079817, 11270315, 10248957, 9070135 |
69 | Ignite InfoBright DB | 7024414 |
70 | Ignite Knowledge Marketing | 12079817, 11270315, 10248957, 9070135 |
71 | Ignite Olive Software | 12079817, 11848974, 11848974, 11558442, 11270315, 11070602, 6970937, 9774644, 8904022, 6907578, 10659503, 10200426, 10248957, 9070135 |
72 | Ignite Placeable | 11580142, 11080312 |
73 | Ignite Prologic | 12056662 , 11631049, 10621547 |
74 | Ignite PurchasingNet Solutions | 12056662, 11631049, 10621547 |
75 | Ignite ResponseTek | 12079817, 11270315, 10248957, 9070135 |
76 | Ignite ScaleArc | 12105703, 11836135, 11762882, 10805376, 11061917, 11366829, 11301446, 7024414, 10496645, 10417243, 10303702, 9116946, 9032017, 8874609, 8763091, 8543554, 8484242 |
77 | Ignite Synoptos | 12079817, 11848974, 11558442, 11270315, 11070602, 6970937, 9774644, 8904022, 6907578, 10659503, 10200426, 10248957, 9070135 |
78 | Ignite Trilogy Pricer | 12079817, 11270315, 10248957, 9070135 |
79 | Ignite Zumobi | 11928305, 11567624, 11061524 |
80 | Individualization Platform | 8484205, 7761423 |
81 | Infer | 12182747, 12147421, 12020271, 11775596, 11687859, 11615079, 11475469, 11455301, 11341194, 11403654, 11374885, 11138541, 11036723, 10643227, 10606831, 10546311, 10489441, 9965508, 9760634, 9292505, 8977613, 8832580, 8805840, 8782042, 8463790, 8463789, 8145597, 7934152, 7743250, 7716228, 7415469, 7330889, 7103838, 6915294, 10623348, 10552780, 10496702, 9817917, 9519462, 9313153 |
82 | Jive | 12167307, 12126694, 12061655, 11886517, 11523260, 11367295, 11265321, 11323525, 10523677, 9558199, 9535574, 9424364, 9369340, 9367530, 9274695, 9134215, 9122748, 9118645, 9111104, 9094361, 8983947 |
83 | Jive Insights Advanced | 11947550, 11294914, 10387429 |
84 | Jive Interactive Intranet | 12182747, 12147421, 12033093, 11811723, 11775686, 11741264, 11687859, 11615079, 11455301, 11132464, 11132463, 11244074, 11374885, 11138541, 11410093, 11463402, 11036723, 10944835, 10331908, 10606831, 9965508, 9292505, 8977613, 8949457, 8832580, 8782042, 8566402, 8566277, 8301800, 8290897, 8191078, 8145597, 7934152, 7743250, 7415469, 7406537, 7330889, 7103838, 7080073, 7039671, 6915294, 10623348, 10552780, 10496702, 9817917, 9552563, 9519462, 9313153, 915238712147421, 12147421, |
85 | Kerio Connect | 8738718, 8396930 |
86 | KNOVA KM | 7610575, 7567912, 7539656, 7401087, 7376620, 7206778, 7028250, 6711585, 6681222 |
87 | Learning Navigation | 7725422 |
88 | Learning Recommendation | 11361363, 10664895, 7725422 |
89 | Learning Search® | 11361363, 10664895, 7725422 |
90 | List Manager | 12147421, 12033093, 12020271, 11811723, 11615079, 11475469, 11455301, 11403654, 11374885, 11410093, 11463402, 11036723, 10944835, 10643227, 10606831, 10546311, 9965508, 9292505, 8977613, 8949457, 8805840, 8782042, 8566402, 8516054, 8463790, 8463789, 8301800, 8290897, 8145597, 7934152, 7739328, 7415469, 7330889, 7103838, 7080073, 7039671, 6915294, 10623348, 10496702, 10033671, 9817917, 9519462, 9313153 |
91 | Material Cost Analytics | 11714818, 11182398, 8805825 |
92 | MCC Catalog Manager | 6834287 |
93 | MCC Order Server | 9697559, 8126777, 7069235, 10586271 |
94 | MEDxConnect | 12002570, 11901049, 11538571, 11373738, 8861523, 10540731, 10169533, 8131562, 7836081, 7801382, 7653252, 7630371, 10679741, 10102599 |
95 | MobilogyNow | 12204721, 11892516, 11669206, 11397491, 11327120, 11029781, 10725113, 10551970, 9726730 |
96 | NvisionVLE Imaging System | 12004842, 10092189, 9706926, 10495442, 10184782, 9668638, 10258226, 9237851, 9131848, 8947648, 11686572, 11399718, 11175125 |
97 | Objectstore | 11347804, 7024414, 9547673, 9529937, 7318055, 6954749, 6925457, 6856992, 6594751, 10275540, 10255303, 8572059, 8412720, 8335792, 7890517, 7831604, 7640239, 7613712, 7058637 |
98 | ONYX CRM | 7610575, 7548881, 7337158 |
99 | PACache | 12238189, 12126680, 12095850, 12069129, 12061655, 11758013, 11477272, 11082488, 11019170, 10841373, 8185612, 10484497, 10225340, 8990354, 8930500, 8250149, 8037162, 7203741 |
100 | PALive | 12238189, 12095850, 11758013, 11477272, 11019170, 8185612, 8930500, 8250149, 8037162, 7203741 |
101 | PIVOTAL CRM | 7610575, 7548881, 7337158 |
102 | Playbooks | 7072947, 7076533, 9742718, 9092742, 9317816, 9088533, 9319367, 9122989, 8788439, 8352389, 9460401, 8812417, 9137370, 8078605, 8566419, 9213763, 8510382, 8325738, 7680892 |
103 | PNet EPayables | 12056746, 11966965, 11636531, 11532027, 11410211, 10878485, 10713696, 10984462, 10410274, 10181149, 10176509, 10068264, 8762213 |
104 | PNet EProcurement | 12056746, 11966965, 11636531, 11532027, 11410211, 10878485, 10713696, 10984462, 10410274, 10181149, 10176509, 10068264, 8762213 |
105 | Pnet Financial Management | 12056746, 11966965, 11636531, 11532027, 11410211, 10878485, 10713696, 10984462, 10410274, 10181149, 10176509, 10068264, 8762213 |
106 | Private Information Manager | 11775686, 11741264, 11132464, 11132463, 11244074, 9990516, 9977921, 9946898, 9047489, 9043866, 9015857, 10607029, 10552636, 10331908 |
107 | PROMOTIONS+ | 12192549, 11678000, 11159836, 10764619, 7260782, 9456228, 9451294, 9420349, 9215503, 9161074, 8972468, 8682945, 8671124, 8566688, 8307020, 8229984, 8176425, 7788634, 7430718, 7231630 |
108 | Q Analytics | 11836675, 11501174, 11232400, 10592852 |
109 | Quality Management Solutions | 12182747, 12147421, 11687859, 11615079, 11455301, 11138541, 11036723, 9965508, 9292505, 8832580, 8566277, 8145597, 7934152, 7415469, 7103838, 7080073, 6915294, 10552780, 10496702, 9817917, 9519462 |
110 | QuickSilver | 9608987 |
111 | RAVEN For Microsoft Office | 7085708 |
112 | Regulatory Solutions | 12147421, 12020271, 11775596, 11615079, 11475469, 11455301, 11341194, 11403654, 11374885, 11036723, 10643227, 10606831, 10546311, 10489441, 9965508, 9760634, 9292505, 8977613, 8805840, 8782042, 8463790, 8463789, 8290897, 8145597, 7934152, 7415469, 7103838, 7080073, 6915294, 10623348, 10496702, 9817917, 9519462, 931315312147421, |
113 | Revenue Lifecycle Management | 12182747, 12147421, 12020271, 11687859, 11615079, 11475469, 11455301, 11403654, 11374885, 11138541, 11036723, 10643227, 10606831, 10546311, 9965508, 9292505, 8977613, 8832580, 8805840, 8782042, 8566277, 8290897, 8145597, 7934152, 7743250, 7716228, 7415469, 7330889, 7103838, 7080073, 6915294, 10623348, 10552780, 10496702, 9817917, 9519462, 9313153, 9152387 |
114 | Rich Autocomplete™ | 9990442, 9460161 |
115 | Right 90 | 12211056, 12174893, 12038978, 11836675, 11822607, 11797613, 11651035, 11636156, 11501174, 11170382, 11301881, 11120084, 11379531, 11232400, 10713301, 10795941, 10592852, 9940374, 9026487, 8682837, 8086607, 7558784, 7447718, 10452720, 10229176, 10157393, 10074137, 9600549, 9489633, 9123001, 8892559 |
116 | SalesBUILDER API Pak | 7043407, 6865524, 6446057, 6002854, 5369732 |
117 | SalesBUILDER Engine For Windows 95NT | 7043407, 6865524, 6446057, 6002854, 5369732 |
118 | SalesBUILDER Engine Manager For Windows 95NT | 7043407, 6865524, 6446057, 6002854, 5369732 |
119 | SalesBUILDER For Flash | 7043407, 6865524, 6446057, 6115547, 6002854, 5369732 |
120 | SalesBUILDER Reflex | 7043407, 6865524, 6446057, 6430730, 6115547, 6002854, 5369732 |
121 | SalesBUILDER Wizard Java | 7043407, 6865524, 6446057, 6002854, 5369732 |
122 | Saphron | 7331035, 7313782 |
123 | SARATOGA CRM | 7610575, 7548881, 7337158 |
124 | SC Backbone | 6629153 |
125 | SC Backbone (COM) | 6629153 |
126 | SC Config | 5825651, 6405308, 7844919, 6675294 |
127 | SC Config Power Pack | 7043407, 6865524, 6446057, 6002854, 5369732 |
128 | SC Diagram Manager | 7043407, 6865524, 6446057, 6002854, 5369732 |
129 | SC Form Server | 7043407, 6865524, 6446057, 6002854, 5369732 |
130 | SC Pricer | 6553350, 5878400 |
131 | SC Pricer Engine | 6553350, 5878400 |
132 | SC Pricer Manager | 6553350, 5878400 |
133 | SC Pricer Methods | 6553350, 5878400 |
134 | SC Pricing Analysis | 8095421, 5878400 |
135 | Self-Encrypting Drive Management | 8886958, 6449720 |
136 | SEO - Site Champion® | 7725422 |
137 | Skyvera Social | 12147421, 12033093, 11811723, 11775596, 11615079, 11455301, 11341194, 11374885, 11410093, 11463402, 11036723, 10944835, 10489441, 9965508, 9760634, 9292505, 8977613, 8949457, 8566402, 8516054, 8191078, 8145597, 7934152, 7743250, 7716228, 7415469, 7330889, 7103838, 7080073, 6915294, 10623348, 10496702, 9817917, 9519462, 9313153 |
138 | SLI Mobile™ | 9990442, 9460161, 7725422 |
139 | SmartAIR | 12166684, 11765602, 11595317, 11064511, 10938731, 10986513, 9832671, 10349430, 10341881, 10305812, 9872185, 9634946, 9398625, 9374404, 9253103, 9143838, 9137278, 8976655, 8902753, 8817614, 8665858 |
140 | SmartLeads | 11593301, 10867306, 10986157, 10885533, 8683016, 8160914, 7779021, 7415517, 7359935, 7092844, 10237326, 9720918, 9390190, 8589428 |
141 | SmartMix | 11593301, 10867306, 10986157, 10885533, 8683016, 8160914, 7779021, 7415517, 7359935, 7092844, 10237326, 9720918, 9390190, 8589428 |
142 | SmartShops | 11741006, 10488844, 9390009, 8364628, 7987149, 8412547 |
143 | SmartSites | 11741006, 10488844, 7987149 |
144 | SmartVISION | 12120011, 11616710, 11165680, 9832671, 10063922, 8817614 |
145 | SOCOCO Services | 12249005, 12229854, 12135861, 12061767, 12041103, 12038876, 12014021, 12021678, 11960698, 10838572, 11936499, 11876707, 11882165, 11874883, 11785056, 11726648, 7107535, 11700164, 10454981, 9906594, 10261741, 10574735, 10229518, 10104129, 10454976, 10129306, 11595460, 11588763, 11068147, 11461278, 11397507, 11061970, 11088971, 11088870, 11368352, 11380020, 11418440, 11025679, 11023092, 10972523, 10728144, 10659511, 10649724, 10608969, 10560306, 10366514, 10158689, 10027528, 9942181, 9853922, 9813522, 9762641, 9602447, 9514444, 9483157, 9411490, 9411489, 9319357, 9077549, 9055131, 9009603, 8930472, 8868656, 8775595, 8732593, 8732236, 8621079, 8578044, 8578000, 8407605, 8397168, 8191001, 7844724, 7769806, RE46309, 10567199, 10148457, 10003624, 9851863, 9575625, 9069851 |
146 | Sonic | 8566402, 8516054, 7039671 |
147 | Store Management | 12182747, 12147421, 12033093, 12020271, 11811723, 11775596, 11687859, 11615079, 11475469, 11455301, 11341194, 11403654, 11374885, 11138541, 11410093, 11463402, 11036723, 10944835, 10643227, 10606831, 10546311, 10489441, 9965508, 9760634, 9292505, 8977613, 8949457, 8832580, 8805840, 8782042, 8566402, 8566277, 8463790, 8463789, 8301800, 8290897, 8191078, 8145597, 7934152, 7743250, 7739328, 7480799, 7415469, 7406537, 7330889, 7103838, 7080073, 6915294, 10623348, 10552780, 10496702, 9875453, 9817917, 9552563, 9519462, 9313153, 915238712147421, |
148 | TCG-Enabled Crypto Service Provider | 7036020, 7461270 |
149 | TCG-Enabled Toolkit | 11775686, 11741264, 11132464, 11132463, 11244074, 10552636 |
150 | Tenfold | 6301701 |
151 | The Stratifyd Connected Intelligence Platform | 11003864, 10922342, 10452698, 9135242 |
152 | Totogi | 10798757, 10805403 |
153 | Tradebeam | 7610575, 7567912, 7548881, 7337158 |
154 | Tranzax Solution | 6862573 |
155 | Trilogy Automotive Config | 5825651, 6405308, 7844919, 6675294 |
156 | Trilogy Automotive Pricing | 6553350, 5878400 |
157 | Trilogy Backbone COM | 6629153 |
158 | Trilogy MCC Config | 5825651, 6405308, 7844919, 6675294 |
159 | Trilogy MCC Config Patch | 5825651, 6405308, 7844919, 6675294 |
160 | Trilogy MCC Config Views | 12081611,11606411, 8231462, 8224672, 8019811, 7502634, 7092740, 7062493, 7043407, 6865524, 6446057, 6002854, 5369732, 8832184, 8849709, 8764559, 8271356, 8150740 |
161 | Trilogy MCC Pricer | 6553350, 5878400 |
162 | Trilogy SalesBUILDER Wizard HTML | 7043407, 6865524, 6446057, 6002854, 5369732 |
163 | Trilogy SalesBUILDER Wizard Studio | 7043407, 6865524, 6446057, 6002854, 5369732 |
164 | TYRIAN | 7331035, 7313782 |
165 | User Behaviour + Content Performance Insights | 8484205, 7761423 |
166 | Vision | 7610575, 7567912, 7548881, 7337158 |
167 | Vmoso | 8639552, 9608987 |
168 | VoltDelta 360 Directory Service | 9117453, 8515048, 8233608, 6999563, 7167545 |
169 | VoltDelta Oasis Contact Centre | 7831031, 7180994 |
170 | Wave Cloud | 7426747, 7036020 |
171 | Wave Mobility Pro – Tablet Edition | 8886958, 6449720 |
172 | Wave Virtual Smartcard | 8886958 |
173 | Website Individualization | 8484205 |